Month: February 2017

★ Severity and Impact of Mental Health – See the video

★ Severity and Impact of Mental Health – See the video

The severity and impact of mental health illnesses such as depression, bipolar and anxiety disorders are similar across international boundaries. In the case of depression, according to the World Health Organisation ( W.H.O. ) as of the year 2017, depression is the leading health concern worldwide. Almost…

★ Depression and Children: a good rate of recovery?

★ Depression and Children: a good rate of recovery?

Depression and Children, especially in infancy, is uncommon, although the chance of depression in childhood will be increased if parents are very uncaring to the child ( or, to a lesser extent, overly controlling and overprotective ). Depression in the years up to puberty is…

★ Panic Disorder: suffering recurring attacks

★ Panic Disorder: suffering recurring attacks

A ‘Panic Disorder’ describes an individual who suffers long-term, recurring and disabling panic attacks that often strikes without reason or warning. Distinguishing factors associated with a Panic Disorder can be: The presence of recurring and unexpected panic attacks. Constant worry, for at least a month after…

★ Nutrition Matters in Mental Health – View TEDx Video

★ Nutrition Matters in Mental Health – View TEDx Video

THE SURPRISINGLY DRAMATIC ROLE OF NUTRITION IN MENTAL HEALTH This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this critically important talk, clinical psychologist Julia Rucklidge explores a range of scientific research, including her own, showing the significant…